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5 Ways to Secure Your Facebook/Social Media Accounts from Hackers

STEP 1 : Using the strong password.

# Mork Zukarberg's account was hacked due to the simple password. So everyone will use hard and herd password. password will be difficult when using number and words together.

STEP 2 : The name and all the information using should be  real.

Name and other information will be combined with National ID or Certificat.

STEP 3:Two step verification .

Two step verification is that when you login to Facebook on your mobile with o code that will login to Facebook. It's call OTP (One Time Password)

STEP 4: APP Permission 

When we try to login to Facebook with other apps, we will have to check all the permission of that app.What's the apps are permission doing , and whether you are using those apps,see if the apps are trustworthy .

= If you are connected with any such apps then go to the Facebook setting remove of it. With these apps you can easily find your password.

STEP 5 : HIDE Login Information .

Do not give any  sensitive information on your Facebook like your mobile number and gmail etc keep them safe and secure so that information easily.


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