Laptop buying guide | AMD Vs Intel.
First you need to know why you are buying a laptop .why do you use laptop and different types of laptops are available of different works.
STEP 1: processor
The laptop can usually see two types of processor the one of AMD and the other of Intel.
Intel's speed in much better and power consuime are so much lower and if you want to buy a low budget lapotop then AMD will be selected. So AMD is butter.
In case of Intel ,use Cori 3.If you have seen the work of the cori 3 processor and youtube xss, then there will be no problem and if you videos editing and play different types of games then your CORI 5/7 will be needed.
STEP 3: Generation
Like the cori ,the generation cust are different. Example : Compared with comparison of 1st Generation butter then 2nd Generation Circuit and it is small.
If you want to select laptop RAM then you will need to select 4GB RAM. 4GB RAM you will select the number of times until your processor will be cori 3 . Your RAM 4 will be very first in cori 3.AND if you want to bye cori 5 the you have select your RAM from 8GB. If you have less coronation ,you will take less RAM and if cori is more then you will get more RAM
There are various types of models of RAM such as DDR1,DDR2,DDR3,DDR4 etc. DDR 4 RAM will be best.If the case of RAM of DDR4 ,very good tecnologies and very few consoles are available.
Hartdisx is two types , such as HDD and SSD.
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